Protect Yourself From Unforeseen Damage

Tenant insurance from SBOA

Easily File a Claim

We’ve made the process simple and stress-free. Here’s what to do immediately after you become aware of damage or theft:

Tell the facility manager
Make sure our manager is aware that the damage occurred.
Take photos
Images of the damage will help resolve the claim faster.
Report burglaries
File a police report in the event of a burglary.
Report your claim
Check our brochure or ask our manager if you need help filing your claim.


Unless listed in your policy as not protected, all items are protected from the following:

  • Aircraft, Self-propelled Missiles, or Spacecraft

  • Collapse of Buildings, other than by Earthquake

  • Cyclone, Tornado, Hurricane

  • Earthquake

  • Explosion or Sonic Boom

  • Falling Objects

  • Fire or Lightning

  • Landslide, including sinkhole collapse

  • Smoke

  • Strikes, Riots, or Civil Commotion

  • Vandalism or Malicious Mischief

  • Vehicles

  • Water Damage except flood, surface water, etc. and/or resulting from mold, mildew, wet or dry rot.

  • Weight of Ice, Snow, or Sleet

  • Windstorm or Hail

Not Protected*

These items and events are NOT covered:

  • Accounts, bills, currency, data, documents, records, deeds, evidence of debt, money, notes

  • Jewelry, watches, fur and garments trimmed with fur, alcohol, food, explosives, illegal drugs

  • Loss or damage resulting from wear and tear, gradual deterioration, maintenance, inherent vice, latent defect, moths, insects, rodents, vermin

  • Loss or damage caused by, resulting from, contributing to, or aggravated by flood, surface water, waves, tidal water or tidal wave, or overflow of streams or other bodies of water

  • Loss or damage caused by cigarettes or other smoking materials, unless fire ensues

  • Loss or damage caused by the neglect of the Customer to use all reasonable means to save and preserve the property

  • Loss or damage caused intentionally by the Named Insured or Customer or at the direction of the Named Insured or Customer

  • Loss or damage of contraband or caused by illegal trade

  • Loss or damage resulting from activity in violation of Lease Agreement

  • Loss or damage caused by theft or mysterious disappearance, except burglary as covered herein

  • Loss caused by nuclear hazards

  • War, including undeclared war, civil war, insurrection, rebellion, revolution, warlike act by military force or military personnel, destruction or seizure or use for a military purpose

  • Discharge of a nuclear weapon will be deemed a warlike act even if accidental

  • Any loss, damage, liability, claim, cost or expense of any nature directly or indirectly caused by or resulting from a Communicable Disease or the fear or threat of a Communicable Disease

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